Arqus Alumni Talks

14 Marzo 2024 Associazione Alumni_admin Categories news, Senza categoria

Join the Arqus Alumni Talks and listen to career challenges and experiences from the alumni perspective

What's Arqus?

The Arqus European University Alliance brings together the universities of Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon 1, Maynooth, Minho, Padua, Vilnius and Wroclaw.

The main objective of the Arqus Alliance is to design, test and implement an innovative model of inter-university collaboration leading to the creation of a true European campus in line with the European Universities Initiative promoted by the European Union.

Arqus offers all students a series of resources to get the most out of their university career.

More details about ARQUS Alliance in the web page at link:

Arqus Alumni talks

The Alumni Talks series aims to support current students and graduates in dealing more effectively with the professional challenges that await them.

The sessions, organised by experts from the different Arqus universities, will focus on topics such as integration into the labour market, entrepreneurship, career progression, soft skills and others.

University of Padua Alumni Association promotes Arqus Alumni Talks as part of the initiative "Aspettando Alumni" to facilitate the meeting with exceptional testimonials alumni.

Precious moments of discussion and in-depth analysis to talk about what comes next and not arrive unprepared to enter the job market.

Alumni Talks will be held in an online synchronous format and will last between 45 and 60 minutes.

See below for all the details on upcoming Alumni Talks events

The calendar of "Alumni talks"
